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Visiting the replica of the USS Monitor at the Mariner's Museum, Newport News

Tredegar Museum, Richmond

Hollywood Cemetery

Harper's Ferry

Approach to Fort Fisher from the Cape Fear River

Fort Fisher, North Carolina

Hancock’s calming hand

2021 Field Trip - 8th USAAF in East Anglia

Visiting the replica of the USS Monitor at the Mariner's Museum, Newport News
This is a full size replica of the USS Monitor (children included for scale!)

Tredegar Museum, Richmond
date incorrect as camera was not set for 2023

Hollywood Cemetery

Harper's Ferry

Approach to Fort Fisher from the Cape Fear River
A great way to get to Fort Fisher is by ferry from Southport on the other side of the Cape Fear River. Ferries run every 45 minutes most of the year and the trip takes about 35 minutes.

Fort Fisher, North Carolina

Hancock’s calming hand

2021 Field Trip - 8th USAAF in East Anglia
Snetterton Heath- 96th BG Memorial
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