The Round Table is very pleased to announce that after many false starts and bumps in the road, we are finally in a position to make a donation to the Civil War Trails Inc very worthy Cape Charles signage project.
Cape Charles is in a very rural part of Virginia and is very lacking in Civil War memorials but not in interest.
This project is to celebrate the life of Peter Jacob Carter.
Carter had been enslaved in 1846, managed to free himself and in 1863 enlisted in the 10th United States Coloured Troops. Peter saw served in many actions in 1864 including Fort Powhatam, Wilson's Wharf as well as a myriad of fights around Richmond and Petersburg.
He was discharged in 1866. Afterwards he returned to the eastern shore of Virginia and served in the Virginia House Of Delegates. He served for 8 years including a stint as chair of a Republican Party comvention.
More information can be found at this link:
Https://www.encyclopediavirginia.org/ Carter Peter Jacob 1845-1886
This project would help champion the often forgotten story of this African American trailblazer and encourage tourism to Virginia's eastern shore.
The intention is to locate the sign along the pedestrian walk at the intersection of Bay and Washington Avenues in the town of Cape Charles.
The ACWRT (UK) will not only receive publicity in the local press but also our name will be included on the sign.
In due course, Civil War Trails will supply photos of the sign in situ.
Dave Bradley - October 2021

Inscription. Born enslaved on 29 May 1845 near Eastville, Northampton County, Peter Jacob Carter served in the 10th United States Colored Troops during the Civil War and afterward attended Hampton Institute. He represented Northampton in the House of Delegates from 1871 to 1879, was conspicuous in First Congressional District politics, chaired Republican state conventions and African American mass meetings, and attended the party’s national conventions. A prominent Eastern Shore politician, in the 1880s he joined the Readjuster Party, led by former Confederate general William Mahone. Carter died 19 July 1886 and was buried in the family cemetery near Franktown.