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Heritage and News - August 2001

Anne Hughes

Fremantle Gravesite #1 - Liverpool Civil War Heritage Trail - Submarine H L Hunley - The Monitor - Ball's Bluff VA - Kelleys Point/Fort Negley/Franklin TN - Oklahoma Battlefield Preservation - Rich Mountain, WV - Perryville KY - Buffington Island OH. (An abridged version of this this article appears in 'Crossfire' the magazine of the ACWRT(UK) No.66)

By Anne Hughes ACWRT(UK)


Thanks to the movie, "Gettysburg", possibly the best-known Englishman in Civil War circles is Lt Col A J L Fremantle, whose book, "Three Months in the Southern States" was published following a visit to the Southern states in 1863. What is not so well known is that General (as he subsequently became) Sir Arthur James Lyon Fremantle lies in an unmarked grave in Woodvale Cemetery, Brighton. His headstone was apparently laid flat on the grave in 1935, as it was unsafe and has subsequently disappeared. The centenary of General Fremantle's burial will be on 20 September 2001.

On this anniversary, there will be a ceremony at the graveside to erect a new headstone and curbset. The grave was discovered by Roger Hughes, an Englishman who portrays Col Fremantle, and he and fellow enthusiast, Nevill Wantling (who portrays General Lee) are fund-raising to pay for the new headstone.

The present Lord Fremantle will be in attendance at the ceremony, as will other members of the Fremantle family and representatives of the Royal Yacht Squadron. The rededication will be at 12 Noon on 29th September - a hundred years to the day and hour of the original burial.


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